Friends of FAB

To mark our 15th anniversary year, “Friends of FAB” is being founded with the aim of bringing together all those who wish to help us continue and grow our vital work.
Becoming a  Friend is an easy and important way to support FAB
•    enabling us to plan ahead and provide continuity of care to children and young people
•    providing life-changing support to children and young people with sight loss.
You will receive these benefits:
•    Chairman’s Updates on FAB’s work
•    an opportunity to join a visit to see FAB’s work
•    recognition on the FAB website on Friends page, unless you wish to be anonymous
•    recognition in our Annual Report, unless you wish to be anonymous (Founder Friends only).

How to become A Friend

Please complete the secure form below. Consider adding a Gift Aid Declaration if you are able, as this allows us to claim 25p for every £1 that you donate.

Alternatively, please complete our enrolment form


Monthly gift Annual amount Annual amount with Gift Aid
£250 £3000 £3,750
£125 £1500 £1,875
£62.50 £750 £937.50
£40 £480 £600
£20 £240 £300
£10 £120 £150
£5 £60 £75

Friends are invited to give generously according to your means. The above table is an illustration of gifts required. All gifts are valued. We’re looking for “Founder Friends” to make gifts at the upper levels please.

FAB gratefully acknowledges the support and generous awards from:

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