Our Team

    Clive Fisher - Chair FAB

Clive Fisher is a Scientist & Engineer, BSc (hons), Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Chartered Engineer; Principal Scientist Government Service, Technical & Engineering Director Marconi (retired).

The founding trustees and supporters started FAB 15 years ago supporting clinical psychology to improve family life/wellbeing/community engagement/education/job prospects/life chances to help children and young people with sight loss and visual impairment in the UK reach their full potential.

    Dr Ian McCubbin - Principal Clinical Psychologist

Dr Ian McCubbin is a Principal Clinical Psychologist and Chartered member of the British Psychological Society. His first degree (Psychology; MA (hons)) was attained from the University of Glasgow in 2003 and he completed his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPSych) at the University of Oxford in 2011.

For the past 9 years he has been funded by the charity Fight Against Blindness (FAB) to provide psychological assessment and support to children with a visual impairment who are under the care of the Eye Hospital in Oxford.  He is FAB's lead psychologist and chairs its cross site reviews.

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    Dr Richa Aspland - Lead Clinical Psychologist

I am a Chartered Clinical Psychologist registered with the British Psychological Society and the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). I have a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, an MSc in Psychology of Education, a Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with children and adolescents and certifications in Family Therapy.  I am the Lead Psychologist within the FAB funded Ophthalmology clinical psychology service at Cambridge. I have worked within Paediatric, Child and Adolescent mental health and Neurodevelopmental teams and have also contributed to teaching at clinical psychology doctoral courses and supervised and consulted to mental health, social care and school systems.

I really enjoy working with young people and their families and listening to their unique personal stories, biopsychosocial journey and perspectives and helping to enhance their psychological wellbeing and resilience.

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    Dr Emily Goodman - Clinical Psychologist

Dr Emily Goodman (she/her) is a Clinical Psychologist at University Hospital Bristol and Weston. Her first degree (Psychology & Psychological Practice, MSci) was attained from the University of Birmingham in 2018 and she then completed her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych) at Lancaster University in 2022. 

Throughout her career and training Emily has been interested in working with children and young people experiencing additional physical and emotional needs. Emily joined the Eye Hospital in Bristol in 2022, funded by the charity Fight Against Blindness (FAB), providing psychological assessment and support to children with visual impairments and their families.

Coutney McKay
    Dr Courtney McKay – Assistant Psychologist 

Dr Courtney McKay is an Assistant Psychologist based at the Oxford Children's Hospital. She completed her first degree (BSc Psychology (hons)) at the University of Stirling in 2017, and then completed her Ph.D. in developmental cognitive neuroscience at the University of Stirling in 2022. 

Courtney joined the Oxford Children’s Hospital in September 2022, funded by the charity Fight Against Blindness, to carry out a research project that aims to measure the psychological impact of living with a visual impairment for children and young people. 

Lisa Brosh
    Dr Lisa Brosh – Clinical Psychologist 

I am a Senior Clinical Psychologist registered with the British Psychological Society and the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). I received my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClin Psy) from the University of Hertfordshire in 2011 and have over 15 years experience of working within the NHS. I have worked across a range of both mental health and physical health settings for both children/ young people and adults. In addition to providing teaching and consultation to social care, education and health professional colleagues.

I am funded by FAB to provide a clinical psychology service within Ophthalmology at Great Ormond Street London.

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    Dr Melanie Osafo – Clinical Psychologist 

Melanie is a Clinical Psychologist who joined the Child Psychology Team in Southampton General Hospital in 2023. Melanie completed her first degree in Psychology (BSc hons) at the University of Sussex, then completed an MSc in Mental Health Studies at Kings College London and completed her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych) at the University of Southampton.

Melanie is passionate about supporting children’s and families and is funded by FAB to provide psychological support to children and families who are under the care of the Children’s Eye Services (Ophthalmology) in Southampton General Hospital.

Juste Cuprinskaite
    Dr Juste Cuprinskaite – Assistant Psychologist

I am an Assistant Psychologist based at the Bristol Eye Hospital. In 2016, I graduated with BSc Psychology (with Honours) at University of Bath, where in 2019 I also completed my postgraduate MSc in Applied Clinical Psychology.

I joined the Fight Against Blindness team in 2023, and have been funded by the charity to support children with visual impairments and their families. Day in and day out, I am deeply moved by our clients' stories, and find it a great privilege to be a part of their journey towards acceptance and wellbeing.

   Ms Eleanor Darkin - FAB's Young Person Representative

Eleanor lives and works in London. She joined FAB in 2022 to provide input and advice to the chair and psychology team on lived experience of sight loss in the home and family environment. Her father has Retinitis Pigmentosa.

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   Dr Scarlett Davis – Clinical Psychologist

Hello, I'm Scarlett. I work at Leeds Children's Hospital as part of the Paediatric Psychology Department. I am a clinical psychologist registered under the HCPC. I am the lead psychologist for ophthalmology. Myself and my team have recently had the privilege of being funded to provide psychological support for children and young people experiencing visual impairment and their families. We work alongside our Paediatric Ophtahlomology colleagues to assess the needs of each child and family and then either provide psychological support or signpost onto relevant services. Myself and my team take a flexible and person-centred approach to work creatively with children, young people and their families.

You can also see our Patrons here: Our Patrons

FAB gratefully acknowledges the support and generous awards from:

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